There has been increasing media noise lately about
Pre-nuptial Agreements – usually those of the rich and famous, and it would
appear that even Katie Price has finally got the message. What’s not to like
after all? What’s mine is mine and Abba got it wrong if they thought I’d take a
chance on you!
Well, the thing is – it’s not quite as simple as that. To clarify, whilst the Pre-nup culture has doggy-paddled inexorably across the Atlantic to us, it hasn't been
grasped fondly to the bosom of its
judicial master in the courts of our great land and it has remained far from a
‘sure thing’ that what you will get is
what you signed up to before marital bliss took its toll . The reason for this
is that the courts retain the absolute right to override a Pre-nup if its
content would otherwise be ‘unreasonable’, principally in meeting the parties’
needs with reference to their resources at the time of divorce. So whilst a
court will always consider a Pre-nup where one exists, it does so as one of a
number of considerations, not as an overriding one. This is what makes it so
important to get the drafting right – if it looks unreasonable, sounds
unreasonable and tastes unreasonable, then odds are, the court will disregard
it for being unreasonable.
The Law Commission has just put together a series of
proposals for statutory reform in this area for the government to consider
introducing specific legislation for the recognition and implementation of
Pre-nups. This could change the scenery a little and one can’t help feeling that
the vast private and inherited wealth of the current cabinet may be prone to
favour the move. Even if this vision of the future comes to pass however, it
isn't going to be a brave new world out there. Lady Hale of the Supreme Court
may not be Judge Dredd but she won’t take lightly to an attack on a family’s
needs or a court’s ability to meet those - “Marriage still counts for something
in the law of this country and long may it continue to do so”.
So, where now? Well,
you may want to order your wedding invites from, but for goodness
sake, the internet is not the place to find a DIY Pre-nup in advance of the big
day! If you want to make it count then it has got to be comprehensively detailed
and accurate with clear provision for all eventualities. More so, it has to be
reasonable, and only an experienced matrimonial lawyer can tell you what a
court would deem that to be in your individual circumstances. I won’t start on all the validity requirements
that relate to the ‘how’ of entering into such an agreement for it to be
accepted as such in the first place….you get my gist . If you want to give your
heart but not your financial health, a well drafted Pre-nup will already serve
you and save you!
Nicola Fraser
Senior Associate Matrimonial Solicitor
telephone@ 0161 930 5151
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